Tuesday, October 2, 2012
The lost of something you don't actually own!!!
As stupid as it may sound, as like a clandestine sect to a religion, a challenge to a sound critical cognitive ability... And in all those lamented expressions, bear in them one simple similarity, those are used only to describe a title, which may sound goofy and funny, or maybe a compound of some beautiful words forming a grotesque remark, which ideally sound VERY STUPID!!! keh3 ok, I'm losing it here, the skill to write a pleasurable monograph to read, ehmm wait... oh right, how can I lose something which I never owned!!! I did not have that skill before, so how could I be afraid of losing it, right? Mind my terrible skill in logic, oh wait! I never owned that too!!! I waited long for this title to appear before I have the guts to write again... Honestly speaking, I do not know why I should write, or should I say, what compels me to write? It's not like you are gathering your own audience revering you for anything you do. In the world of blogging, well at least in my world of blogging, I do not have any audience or reader, no, not that I know... but that doesn't hinder me from writing. What triggers this issue, forcing it's way into my eyes, making its way to my spinal cord, and sparks the idea is the brilliant translation of Epictetus: the manual. I basically love the secrets of living a happy life, the concept to allow my mind to soar, transcends the idea or boundaries of "you cannot do it", f*$k that does sound fun!!! right? No? What's so fun about the book anyway? want me to share?... Hell no!!! Read again, it's the SECRETS of living a happy life, so any secret is not meant to be divulged. ok, tell you this, I'm writing this only to pass time, I have no intention of educating anyone, so if you expect to be informed, get a fucking newspapers will ya??? 'till next time

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posted by orang panggil aku WHY @ 9:41 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Keindahan dunia
Manusia tak pernah terlalu miskin untuk memberi.
Tak pernah pula menjadi miskin hanya kerana memberi.
Kita hanya terlalu tamak untuk berkongsi.

Apalah gunanya menjadi kaya? ...jika hanya untuk mengenyangkan perut sendiri. Senanglah pada mata orang lain, kerana orang kaya tak pernah takut untuk membeli. Tapi lupakah kita? inikan hati manusia yang cuba kita selami, susah untuk terlihat lapisan atasnya, apatah lagi ingin melihat dasarnya. Senangkah hati mereka dengan kekayaan ini?

Apa jua pun caranya untuk menguji, boleh berubah menjadi sesuatu yang tidak kita peduli...
Contoh mudah dan pasif, apakah yang bermain di fikiran kita pabila terlihat pak cik tua menadah tangan memohon simpati?

Kasihankah? Meluatkah?
Itu mazmumah di dalam hati...
Kita memberi bukan kerana simpati. Dia hanya memerlukan, sedangkan kita punyai apa yang dia mahukan...
Kerana kita jua sebagamana dia, mahukan sesuatu yg tidak kita miliki.

Permainan dunia memang mengelirukan.
Dunia ini bukan hanya syaitan yg menyesatkan.
Tapi ingatlah bahawa kita semua ini adalah hak milikNya.
Disebalik kulit yg menutupi tulang dan daging ini, mengalir bahan yg sama warna dan sifatnya.
Hari ini milik kita, esok lusa...? Allah akan tetap menyimpan rahsianya

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posted by orang panggil aku WHY @ 5:15 AM   0 comments
Sunday, April 3, 2011
I was born stupid, that's why I always ask many ridiculous questions to a lot of people. Somehow, the pundits whom I ask can hardly give fairly a plausible answer, the answer that can shut every mouth up, the answer that can bring the feeling of satisfaction and the answer that can make every people give up to ask the same question over and over again. Oh my, it's hard to be born stupid...

To whom who may concern...
I know that, I am way too far to stand on the same level as you, i am nothing to be compared to you, but please do this sometimes, put your hand next to my hand and slice both hands to see what colour of the blood that will come out, is it of the same colour? well, it's logic and science, you choose...

I'm so sorry if you can hardly understand what I write, like I said, I was born stupid...

Here, I noted some differences between a chicken and a man. When I ask about chicken, many people will point their fingers at a feathery beaked creature who cannot fly, but I will point my finger at a decent man, who does not want to cause any trouble and does not want to take part in anything that has got nothing to do with his life!!!

Here's one the differences, a man who becomes rich someday will talk about his wealth and spend his money on anything, a chicken instead tells the other about what he could do with his money and yet nobody can understand what he tries to say! Wait a minute, is that a difference? well, it should be a difference somehow! Gotta be a difference because we are talking about a goddamn chicken and a man!!! Since when the chickens live the same life as the men? Can anybody answer this stupid question???

Since the chickens have a system of government and rule a country (ooooouuuuuuuhhhhhhh)...
well, I think that's a stupid answer, how can the chickens own a country and become the rulers? They don't have a brain sized of a watermelon, they don't have eyes which wear a spectacle and look smart in front of the other chickens and they don't even know what money is!!! That's right, definitely there's no corruption in a chicken country!!!

Is there any chicken country in this world??? argghhh... so many questions and yet, no answer can be gathered... I thought that I can stop being a stupid before long, but since nobody can teach me what I want to know, I guess I have to wait longer.

It's hard to be born stupid!!!

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posted by orang panggil aku WHY @ 10:14 PM   0 comments
hidup ni kan penuh dengan peristiwa, dari hal yang remeh-temeh sampai lah ke perkara-perkara besar yang serius, semua tu kita tengok dan ambik peduli, even kalau tak de kaitan or kacau makan minum, tidur, masa rehat dan waktu lapang kita pun still kita nak ambik peduli jugak...

ayat bagusnya untuk perangai macam ni selalunya alert ngan persekitaran, sebab tu la kalau suami jiran sebelah kahwin dua lagi cepat beritanya tersebar dari harga minyak petrol ron97 naik 20 sen kan?

Sape cakap perangai alert ni tak bagus? kan baik ada orang bagitau kita yang anak dara kita sekarang ni tengah "baik" layan dating ngan mat bangla kat kilang tempat diorang keje tuh, so tak payah la lagi kita tunggu muka depan kosmo esok pagi tulis "Gadis Malaysia lari ikut bangla balik kampung" dah.

tapi kalau alert sangat pun tak bagus jugak. Suami pun lepas tu gerenti tak senang duduk la kan dengar isteri cerita pasal sofa ngan tv set baru jiran sebelah 8 rumah tuh, tu tak lain tak bukan nak mintak berhutang ngan courts mammoth la tu kan. Apa nak buat, isteri-isteri da bersemangat berdaya saing. Pantang melayu dicabar nih...

Ehh, ape daa melayu??? semua bangsa pun macam tu, jangan salahkan bangsa kalau sendiri tengok perangai teruk, kalau dah namanya manusia, mana ada yang sempurna, lupa ke? kadang-kadang kita tengok orang bawak mercedes pakai baju kot kaler putih ngan spek mata hitam, keluar-keluar jek bawak pompuan ngan mabuk-mabuk juga kan? sekali tengok tak de pun rupa hang tuah ke mahsuri ke, tapi rupa siapa? ehmmm, lu pikir la sendiri...

macam ni la kita, kalau pasal tuding jari kat orang memang la senang, campur lagi ngan cop orang ngan gelaran yang suka hati mak bapak kita je nak bagi kan, kalau ye pon nk bagi, jangan sampai kantoi malu-malu sendiri la kan, eyh, ape daa malu, tak gentle la kalau malu. Ha'ah, bila da kene "lepuk" lepas tu jangan nak terkebil-kebil la pandang kiri kanan pulak. Nasib baik kene "lepuk", buatnya dia panggil geng ngan ranting-ranting yang dia ada, kan ke naya. Esh, takut teman nk tulis ni, kang tak pasal-pasal lak kena dam makan buah, teman ni mana boleh makan buah masam-masam nih, kecik mata dibuatnya.

rasanya, tu je la untuk pengenalannya. Tulisan buruk dari budak hingusan yang tak de guru nak belajar, orang menuntut sampai ke negeri Cina sana tuh, tp kita duduk kat sini tak nak ubah langkah, ye la, belajar jauh-jauh pun balik negara sendiri tak de kerja jugak. Haha, ada degree tp cerita macam orang tak de agama pulak. Hehe, menuntut ilmu ni kan fardhu ain di sisi agama Islam, bukan jual ilmu nak buat kekayaan, macam mana nak tolong rakyat sendiri dan pagar diri dari jilat buntut orang. Ops, kalau salah tolong la betulkan ye. Hamba insan hina... sekian dulu, salam 1Malaysia untuk semua blogger.

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posted by orang panggil aku WHY @ 7:58 AM   0 comments
blog untuk menulis, mengutuk, menc#r@t or anything yang diluah mati kelaparan, yang ditelan mati keracunan...
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Name: orang panggil aku WHY
Home: ape daa nak tau, den owang nogori, kan da cakap daa, Malaysia
About Me: what i write has got nothing to do with you!!!
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